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What Is Cataract Symptoms And Causes Of Cataract


Cataract Definition - Cataract is the process of occurence of opacity progressively on the lens or the lens capsule, are generally a result of the aging process that occurs in all those who are over 65 years old. cataract is an opacity of the lens which is normally clear, kristalina usually occurs due to the aging process.

Picture of What Is Cataract Symptoms And Causes Of Cataract

but cataract can arise at the time of the birth of congenital cataracts are called can also relate to traumatic eyes sharp or blunt, long-term use of corticosteroid and systemic disease such as diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroidism, the bright light or sunlight for long.

10 Cataract Symptoms And Signs

  1. a decrease in acuity and glare and interference caused by loss of vision
  2. condensation grey like pearls on a pupil so that the retina would not appear with optalmoskop
  3. the view becomes blurry or Dim
  4. pupil looks gray or white
  5. the vision is not clear, as there is mist obstructing objects
  6. sensitive to light or rays
  7. can see double on one eye (diplopia)
  8. require bright lighting to be able to read
  9. difficulty seeing at night
  10. looking around the circle of light or light feels dazzle.

7 Causes Of Cataracts Or Cataract Etiology

  1. the aging process
  2. congenital or could be lowered
  3. smoking habit
  4. eye habit
  5. eye injury
  6. metabolic disease
  7. certain drugs

4 Factors Of Risk Of Cataracts

  1. traumatic cataract caused trauma history
  2. another disease caused sekunder cataract
  3. cataracts caused by radiation exposure
  4. congenital cataracts are caused by genetic factors

Pathophysiology Of Cataract

the lens contains three anatomical components of the central zone, there are nukleus, peripheral cortex and there's that surrounds them is the anterior, and posterior kapsula.

with increasing age, the nucleus undergoes changes in color to yellowish brown, around there is a density of opacity as a thorn in the anterior and posterior nucleus. on the posterior capsule opacity, physical and chemical changes in the lens resulting in complete loss of.

changes in the axons of smooth multiple (zonula) that extends from the area around the outside silier lens. chemical changes in the lens protein can cause coagulation, so as to make the view such as foggy with light his path to hinder the retina.

one of the theories mentioned the disconnection of a normal lens protein accompanied infuse air into the lens. this process broke the lens fibers strained and disrupted the transmission of light. another theory say that an enzyme has role in protecting the lens of degeneration. the amount of enzymes will decrease with increasing age and there are not many patients suffering from cataracts.

4 Complications Of Cataract

  1. heavy uveitas
  2. glaucoma
  3. condensation vitreosa
  4. blind

5 Examination Of Supporting Cataract

  1. test the sharpness of vision and central vision
  2. measurement tonografi
  3. measurement genioskopi
  4. examination oftalmoskopi
  5. complete blood . the rate of sedimentation

Medical Treatment To Cataract

1. asetazolamid IE to lose T10. for example : midriasil

2. pharmaceuticals is symptomatic for vasokontriksi and mydriasis

Action Operation On Cataract

1. extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)

the cortex and the posterior capsule was taken, nucleus left to prevent prolapse vitrus, to protect the retina from ultraviolet rays and provide support fro intra-lens implantasi okuler

2. Intracapsular Cataract Extraction (ICCE)

this type of surgery on the lens of the eye, completely transportable high risk undergone retinal detachment and lifted the structure of investment and intraocular lens.

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