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Autonomuos Medication And Autonomuos Medication Definitions

Autonomous Medications And Autonomic Medicine Definition

A Group Of Nervous System

The nervous system prier (the brain and spinal cord) is composed of two groups, namely : motor nervous system (striated muscles) and the autonomic nervous system (smooth muscle, the heart and glands). the autonomic nervous system is divided into two, namely ; synaptic or adrenergic nervous system and parasympathetic nerves or Calinergik.

Picture Of Autonomuos Medication And Autonomuos Medication  Definitions

The Autonomous Nerve :

1. The Synaptic Or Adrenergic Nerves

generally catabolic (issuing of energy), for example : increasing the frequency of heart, bronchi, me-dilatation and reduces the secretion of the gland.

2. The Arrangement Of the Parasympathetic Nerve or Colinergik

generally anabolism (energy saving0, for example : lowering the frequency of heart, stimulates gastrointestinal functions.

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in individuals who are dominating the parasympathetic system breaks on most organs, resulting in heart rate is relatively slow, the secretion of adequate, and intestinal motility. being on individuals who are high activity or stress, sympathetic dystrophy system dominate, district energy that makes the organ ready to work.

Autonomous Medication

autonomous medication are substances that can effect the impulse (stimulus) forwarding in SSO with the road; annoying synthesis, hoarding, exemption or the decomposition of Neurotransmitter-neurotransmitter so as to effect smooth muscle function of organs, heart, gut and glands.

Autonomous Medication Efficacy :

1. A Drug That Is Effective Against A Sympathetic Nerves :

a. adrenaline or symphatomimetic i.e. drug that mimic the effects of SO by nor-adrenaline, for example : ephedrine, isoprenalin, and amphetamines.

b. sympathetic or adrenolitic : that is a drug that suppresses sympathetic nervous or work against the effects of adrenergic, for example : alkaloids, sekale, proponal and guanetidin.

2. A Drug That Is Effective Against The Parasympathetic Nerve :

a. parasympathomimetic or kolinergic : a drug that stimulate the organs controlled by parasympathetic nerves or mimic the effects of asethikolin, for example : pilokarpin and fisostigmin.

b. drugs aparasimpatolitik, thus countering the effects of parasympatomimetic, for example : belladona alkaloids, proppantelin and mepenzolat.

3. Block The Drugs : 

drugs groups thwarted the forwarding of the impulse in the cells of the sympathetic ganglion and parasympathetic with the effect that is quite widespread, among other vasodilatory because sympathetic nervous blockade.


adrenergic or symphatomimetic are drugs that cause the same effect with an effect that os produced when a sympathetic nerve is stimulated and release nor-adrenaline (NA) tanks on her nerves.

The Working Mechanism Of Adrenergic

nor-adrenaline disynthesis and stored in the adrenergic nerve endings and can be freed from center with the way stimulates the nerves concerned or ny medicines such as ephedrine. amphetamines, guanetidin, and reserpine.

The Use Of Adrenergic Drugs

based on the efficacy, adrenergic drugs used on various diseases and disorders, the most important are :

1. in shock : used to strengthen the heart and fighting hypertension, especially the adrenaline and nor-adrenaline.

2. on asthma : used to cause bronkhodilataton effects, especially salbutamol and its derivatives, as well as adrenaline and ephedrine.

3. in hypertension : used for lowering peripheral resistance vessels through inhibition of the release of NA, e.g. Methyl 1-dopa, klonidin, prazosin and prapanolol.

4. on colds ; useful collapses the mucous membranes that are bent, e.g. imidazolin, widen the eyes, among others ; fenileprin and antazolin.

5. as anorexia : to reduce the appetite in the treatment of obesity, for example : fenfluramin and mazindol.

Separate Substances

1. Adrenaline
adrenaline or nor-adrenaline freed on the sympathetic nerve endings are stimulated, also produced by endocrine glands older kidneys.

The Use Of Adrenaline
the adrenaline has effects of stimulation of the heart and bronchodilatation, then it is often used as a analepticum (air fresheners) were effective in the circumstances of the collapse,shock, or heart-stopping. useful also in cases of asthma, but have to injection (broken down by stomach acid)

adrenaline is used to extend the work or other drugs effects, such as combination with lidocaine (lidocaine comp 2%).

Side Effect Of Adrenaline
side effects of adrenaline this can cause fear, anxiety, strain, headache, tremor, a sense of weakness, dizziness and face became pale.

The Use Of Adrenalin Dose
  • nasal drops : 0.1 %
  • eye drops : 1-2 %
  • inhalation : 0.5 - 1 %
  • iv/im injection : 0.5 - 1 ml of 0.1% solution.

2. Nor-Adrenaline
great vasoconstriction have the effect of nor-adrenaline is causing a rise in blood pressure reflux slowing of the heart.

The Use Of Nor-Adrenaline Drugs
the nor-adrenaline is often used to prevent bronco-spasm and lowered bowel motility.

Side Effects Of Nor-Adrenaline
same with the adrenaline rush,but more rare and lighter.

3. Dopamine
low-dose dopamine on constricts arterioles in places other than the brain and kidneys and at high doses will constricts all vessels, so it will increase contractility and systolic pressure.

The Use Of Dopamine
clinically used to treat shock (less perfusion, reflex vasoconstriction)

4. Dobutamin 
dobutamin is have dopamine but not dopamine receptors effect conferring.

Dobutamin Usage
dobutamin is a drug of choice for stimulating the heart, maintaining the efficiency of the heart is most excellent and cause minor on the frequency of the heart.

5. Metaproterenol, Terbulatin, Ritodrin, Alburetol.
the above medications cause the vasodilatory on smooth muscle primarily bronchus muscles.

Usage :
clinically used to treat asthma (bronchodilator) 

6. Isoproterenol
bronchodilatation and have the effect of isopreterenol stimulation of the heart.

The Use Of Isoproterenol
isoproterenol is often used to address asthma, either against or avoid asthma attacks.

Side Effect Of Isoproterenol
side effects primarily occur at high doses, because the effect on the heart (palpitations), nervous and shaking, the face becomes red and others.

The Dose Of Isoproterenol
the right dose for isoproterenol is 3x a day @ 5-10 mg.

7. Fenilefrin 
fenilefrin is have the adrenaline with effects 10 times weaker but his time is longer

Use Of Fenlefrin
fenilefrin is often used to resolve the hypo-tension (collapsing) midriaticum, dekongetivum on the nose and eyes.

Dose Fenilefrin
the right dose in the awarding of fenilefrin is 3x a day @20 mg.

8. Ephedrine
ephedrine was first obtained from plants Efhedra Vulgaris, but now it is made of synthetic.

The Use Ephedrine
which worked closely with the adrenaline, but the effect is weaker and longer especially on smooth muscle and heart, so often used in asthma and decongestant.

Side Effect Of Ephedrine
primarily occur at high doses,IE; anxiety, sleeplessness, and others.

Ephedrine Dosage
the right dose in the granting of ephedrine is 3x a day @ 25-50 mg.

9. Have Imidazolin
these compounds have the effect of vasoconstriction without stimulation of the CNS.

The Use Of Ephedrine :
ephedrine is often used as a nasal drip, but it shouldn't be too long, because it may cause habituation (habit), i.e. in the case of colds and sinusitis. 10 the kinds  of medicine have imidazolin : nafazolin, xilometazolin, tetrizolin. and others.

10. Amphetamines And Methamphetamine
amphetamines is efficacious a bronchodilator is weak but has strong effects against CNS and respiratory center especially vasomotor.

The Use Of Amphetamines
amphetamines including psikostimulansia groups, i.e. drugs that mental and physical anticipation to stimulant, heightens the initiative and agility, enlarge the achievement and confidence, while the sense of driwsiness and fatigue are eliminated.

amphetamines can also cause a worsening of mood, even depression and addictive nature, hence its use as a stimulant medication is not recommended.

Side Effects Of Amphetamines
side effects of amphetamines are : dry mouth, headaches, anxiety, depression and hallucinations.

11. Anorexic
anorexic it is effective as an appetite suppressant, used to support the therapeutic diet on overweight (obesity). obesity also play an important role in the occurrence of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercolestrolemia,which is a risk factor for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Use Of Anorexic
in accordance with the improved, then this anorexic drug widely used to help lose weight.

Type Of Drug Anorexic
a. fenfluramin (ponderal, oban 20)
b. mazindol (toronac, sanorex)
c. etilamfetamine ( apetinil, medial)
d. fentermin (mirapront)


adrenolotic or simpotolitics is a medicine against the effects of the sympathetic nerves making to partially or completely, based on mechanism of action and point it works, these drugs are classified as follows :
1. a-blockers (a-sympatolica) : sekale, alkaloid have imidazolin (tolazolin and fentoalmin) and yohimbin.

2. b-blockers (b-symphatolitic) : propanolol and its derivatives pernilamin.

3. neuroblockers : adrenergic have guanidin, metuldopa, reserpin, klonidin

Separate Substances :

the alkoloid sekale : 
  • egrot
  • axtract and tincture sekale
  • ergotamin
  • ergometrin
  • dihidroerogotamin
  • yohimbin


calinergic or parasympatomimetic is a drug that can lead to the same effects with effects that occur when the parasymphatetic nerve is stimulated and the order releasing asetikolin on the ends of her nerves.

The Effect Of The Medication Calinergic

  • stimulation the digestive tract
  • slow blood circulation
  • slow breathing
  • eye muscle contractions with the effect of meiosis (pupil constriction) 
  • contraction of the bladder and ureters
  • most vessels dilation and contraction of skeletal muscle
  • depress the CNS.

as the effect on aseticolin receptors stimulation then divided into two, namely : muskarinik, receptor and nicotonic receptor. each produces :

1. muscarinic effects : i.e. effects such as listed above, for example, which is given by; aseticolin, pilokarpin, and fisostigmin.

2. effects of nicotinic, that resemble the effects of adrenergic or contrary to the above effects, namely vasocontriction with make stronger heart activity and stimulation of SSP. for example given by : neostigmin and piridostigmin.

Use Colinergic

use colinergic is mainly used on several diseases, namely :
1. Glaucoma
glaucoma is disease of the eye with the eye fluid pressure (intraculer) is very high due to damage to the eye and can cause blindness, for example : pilocarpin, carbacol, and fluostigmin.

2. Myasthenia gravis
myasthemia gravis is a disease in which nerve impulses at the tip of forwarding motorist, symptoms are fatigue and weakness of the muscles of the body especially the muscles of the face (eyes, mouth, lips, tongue) examples : neostigmin and piridostigmin.

3. Smooth muscles weakness
muscle weakness - smooth muscle after doing major surgery with a stress to the body, causing the edrenergic neural activity with the growing effect of abtipasi and difficult urination.


anticolinergic or parasymphatolitic are substances that can be partially or completely counteract the effects of aseticolin on smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

Use Of Anticolinergic

  • as spasmoliticum (muscle spasm relief substances) especially for relaxes spasms and colic in gastric-intestinal tract. biliary and urinary 
  • on gastric ulcers-colon, to suppress stomach acid secretion and reduces gastric peristaltic
  • as midriaticum to widen the pupil of the eye and paralyze the accommodation of the eye on hyperhydrosis to suppress the secretion of sweat that excessive.
  • in Parkinson's disease, for example; trihexifenidil, orfenadin, benzatropin, and others

Separate Substances :

1. alkaloid :
  • belladon
  • atropine
  • metilskopolamin
  • butilskopolamin

2. Their three-dimensional ammonium substances :
  • propantelin
  • axifenonium
  • mepenzolat
  • isopropamid
  • emerpromium
  • ipratropium

3. Amin tertiary substances :
  • adifenin
  • oksifensiklimin
  • pirenzepin

4. Parkinson's Medications :
  • lepedopa
  • amantadin
  • bromkriptin
  • triheksifenidil
  • metixen
  • orfenadrin

The Use Of Anticolinergic

midriaticum and antidotum :
  • spasmolitic
  • spasmotitik

muscle relaxants :
  • spasmolitic
  • spasmolitic
  • spasmolitic
  • the bladder
  • bronchodilator

Spasmolitic :
  • spasms of the stomach-intestine
  • reduces gastric secretion

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